Monday, December 5, 2022

I Need New Christmas Story Ideas

I didn't think up any idea on a new short story, even a new Christmas one, in months. I need you to come up with some Christmas short story ideas so I can make them for you. Let me know when you leave out your comments.

Friday, September 9, 2022

Choking Hazard

Feeling deeply inspired about my parents telling me what may happen to me when I die from choking, then I made an educational short story and called it "Choking Hazard." It details the educational information on what happens when you don't follow the rules of eating your food very slowly. Let me know if you've read it.


Tuesday, August 30, 2022

The Accelerator

Feeling the need for speed? I made a new short story just for you. I called it "The Accelerator." It shows an African American student with secret super speed powers fighting a professor who is secretly a villain wanting to take over the world by using the intellectual power of brainwashing. Let me know if you've read it.

Saturday, August 27, 2022

Still No Story Ideas

It's been two months or so, and seems I'm fresh out of new short stories to present to you. Can you think up of any new ideas to make into short stories? If so, please leave out a comment and let me know.

Sunday, June 19, 2022

Why We Love Father's Day

Father's Day is here, and I made a new short story to celebrate the holiday. I called it "Why We Love Father's Day." It details all the information we need to know about Father's Day. Let me know if you've read it.

Thursday, June 16, 2022

The Dangers of the Black Rocks

When I first came to Nova Scotia, me and my family went to Peggy's Cove, and my mom told me to stay away from the black rocks. This is why I made a short story that's not only educational, but also made to heed a simple warning. I called it "The Dangers of the Black Rocks." It details a warning about what may happen to you if you get swept away from Peggy's Cove when you stand on the black rocks. Let me know if you've read it so you can stay safe.


Saturday, May 21, 2022

The Chameleortoise

Since you've read The Whoop-De-Dingle Bird, then I made another story just for you. I called it "The Chameleortoise." It details all the educational information on a rare, fictional breed of reptile. Let me know if you like it.


Sunday, May 8, 2022

Why We Love Mother's Day

Mother's Day is here, and to celebrate the honor of motherhood, I made a new short story for this occasion. I called it "Why We Love Mother's Day." It details all the information we need to know about Mother's Day. Let me know if you've read it. Happy Mother's Day!


Wednesday, April 27, 2022

Important Home Things in Nova Scotia

Doing things when you're going to the bathroom in Nova Scotia may be different, but we may take some getting used to. This is why I made a new short story about that. I called it "Important Home Things in Nova Scotia." It details the things you need to do when you're in your home in Nova Scotia, even when you go to the bathroom. Let me know if you've read it.


Monday, March 7, 2022

The Ocean Monster

Ever believe in sea monsters, or ocean monsters, for that matter? You will be, because I made a new short story that will amaze you. I called it "The Ocean Monster." It shows a young cabin girl battling a giant sea monster in the ocean. Let me know if you've read it.

Monday, February 28, 2022

A Trip to Nova Scotia

As announced, I will be moving to Halifax in Nova Scotia by the end of March. And to make the most of it, I made a new short story inspired by that news. I called it "A Trip to Nova Scotia." It shows the narrator telling us a story of him and his family moving from their old home to a new home in Nova Scotia. Let me know if you've read it.

Thursday, February 24, 2022

No Short Story In Weeks

I'm sorry to inform you this, but I haven't thought up of any new short story weeks ago. I can assure you this; one day, I will figure out a new short story. Maybe any one of you can come up with ideas. Let me know in the comments so I can get started.

Saturday, January 8, 2022

COVID-19 Staycation

Since COVID-19 cancelled your tropical vacation plans, why not spend a staycation with a short story I made? I called it "COVID-19 Staycation." It gives you inside information about spending a weekend staycation during the COVID-19 pandemic. Let me know if you've read it.

Saturday, January 1, 2022

About the Omicron Virus

A new kind of COVID-19 variant has arrived. This is why I made a new short story for you all to observe. I called it "About the Omicron Virus." It tells all the recent information about the Omicron variant, a highly contagious version of COVID-19. Let me know if you've read it.