Monday, August 19, 2019

The Butterfly and the Dragonfly

Ever figure out a symbiotic relation of friendship between insects? Well, I just made another short story. I call it "The Butterfly and the Dragonfly." It shows the start of a friendship between those two as a caterpillar and a nymph. Let me know if you like it.

Wednesday, August 14, 2019

The Magic Ladder: Part 2

I'm glad you've read The Magic Ladder (hope you can read it, if you want to). That's why I made a sequel to the short story, "The Magic Ladder: Part 2." It picks up where the first story left off as our narrator discovers a world that's home to giants from a strange portal he passed through. Let me know if you've read it.

Thursday, August 8, 2019

The Magic Ladder

Have you ever used ladders to build something in high places? I made a new short story that reaches to new heights... literally. I called it "The Magic Ladder." It's about our narrator building his way up to the sky with a magical building ladder. It even shows a special surprise at the end. Let me know if you like it.

Monday, August 5, 2019

The Party House

Have you partied like never before? You're about to find out, for I made a new short story and called it "The Party House." It's about a construction worker building a titular structure made for partying. Let me know if you like it.