Saturday, April 27, 2019

My Very Own Logo

I hope you liked my short stories. To make the most of this appreciation, I made myself a logo for my site. You may consider it as a promotion. Feel free to take a gander at it. If you like it, please let me know by leaving out a comment.

Sunday, April 21, 2019

The Slayer of Xhumpedzkin

I'm glad you liked "Al About Ek' Balam." This is why I made a new, Mayan-themed short story, and just in time for Easter. I call it "The Slayer of Xhumpedzkin." This short story, based on the ancient, Mayan folklore of a titular monster, shows a Mayan warrior battling said reptilian monster deep in the heart of the ancient, Mayan jungles. Feel free to read it and spread the word about it. Happy Easter, my young and autistic beginners!

Saturday, April 13, 2019

All About Ek' Balam

Since I came back with my parents, my sister, her fiancee and my grandmother (on my mother's side), an idea sprouted forth to me. I remembered a while back during our Cancun vacation, and we had to take a tour to the ancient ruins of Ek' Balam. This tour inspired me to make an educational short story about the ancient city. I call it "All About Ek' Balam." This short story will give you a lesson in education about the ancient ruins of Ek' Balam itself. Feel free to read it, and let me know if you like it.

Thursday, April 11, 2019

We're Home!

We're home, people! That's right, a day later, we just got back from Mexico, and what an adventure it was! And I'll be sure to send any other upcoming short stories that I'll be making soon. If you need anything, just request by asking about an idea in each comment.